Ocean Park

                           Ocean Park


A photo-journal of a 1,500 mile intracoastal waterway trip from Palm Beach, FL to Sag Harbor NY on “Ocean Park”, a 35' Hinckley motor yacht  with a canine crew:  three Salty Dogs: Parker, a 21 mos. old Norwich Terrior, Beau, an 8 mos. old Norwich Terrior & Olive a 9 year old Cairn Terrior, aka "Cinderella or Marigold". The trip will include at least 26 marina stops at such locations as Amelia & Cumberland Islands, FL, Savannah, GA, Beaufort, SC, Bald Head Island, NC, the Western & Eastern Shores of the Chesapeake Bay, Cape May, NJ & the final stop before Sag:  One degree 15 Brooklyn Marina, NY.

How many days will the trip take?...your guess